The rapport you have with your team is equally as important as their skill set and work ethic. Many healthcare professionals find themselves working alongside each other for long hours at a time, making a positive team relationship even more vital.

As a medical team leader, it is your responsibility to cultivate a strong relationship that not only helps your team meet and exceed its goals, but also work together cohesively. To ensure you develop a relationship of trust and understanding throughout your team, consider applying these helpful tips to your daily interactions:

  • Speak positively. A habit that is easy to fall into is commenting on an employee’s work only when constructive criticism is needed or an issue needs to be resolved. Instead, get into the habit of speaking positively to others and providing quality feedback. Not only will this help build trust, but your team will recognize that you are on their side.
  • Show support. Everyone may have their own tasks and responsibilities, but a team must still work together and support each other. Be open and ask your team how you can help each other throughout your shifts and with your patients. This will reinforce the idea of all working together and serve as a reminder that you are all in this together.
  • Ask questions. It sounds simple, but asking questions is the best way to learn about the people on your team. After hearing the answer, share something about yourself to create a two-way interaction and establish a common bond. This will help you get to know your team better as well as help you identify areas where you can help them grow professionally.
  • Recognize them. Show your appreciation to your team by recognizing them in front of one another. Maybe one employee has gone above and beyond the call of duty to help a colleague or has done exemplary work in being a team player. Showing appreciation for working as a team will encourage the behavior and ultimately build a more powerful team.

Fostering a positive team dynamic in the workplace can make a huge difference in employee performance. When employees feel they are appreciated, supported, and can speak openly with their team and manager, their satisfaction and motivation will undoubtedly rise. Taking the time to look at your daily interactions with your team and leading by example may take some extra thought, but will be well worth it to achieve the end result of a solid team.

At KTE Services, we take pride in helping our clients hone in on their own management and leadership skills to ensure they recruit and retain the top medical professionals in the field. Contact us today to learn more!