Now more employers are taking the applicants to coffee shops and restaurants for off-site Healthcare Interview. There are many reasons for this bold move, for example, the position is confidential, or their office setting isn’t appropriate for the meeting. Mainly, you will find that all they want is to evaluate proper social skills. Below you will see tips on how to bring value to your next dinner or coffee shop interview.

Can you spot an interviewee when you walk into your nearest Starbucks? Is the person sitting upright, well mannered and being attentive? Just like any other interview, being prepared generates good results. The primary objective is to have excellent social skills.

Since we know that one of the main reasons for the offsite healthcare interview might be evaluating your social skills, make sure to follow the tips below to improve your chances of getting hired.

Do Your Homework

Just like you would prepare for an healthcare interview, research the company and know the job description well and if you haven’t been to that offsite location, make sure to go a day earlier and get familiar with the environment, the level of noise and surroundings. Come with questions about the position you are interviewing for. It’s good for you to visualize yourself being there before the day of the interview.

Dress Appropriately

Don’t forget it’s an interview. Dress appropriately for the job position. If it requires a suit, wear a suit. Don’t overthink it, make sure you are dressed comfortable, clean and neutral. The way you are dressed is critical.

Be Attentive

Remember that it’s a public place, you need to stay focused. Always keep your eyes on the interviewer even if you are being distracted by people talking or walking. Be attentive to the questions asked, and practice speaking loudly and confidently before your healthcare interview and focus on projecting your voice to make sure the interviewer hears you.

Table Manners

If you make a slight mess, pick it up, speak and chew with your mouth closed. Order foods that are easy to eat, ordering a messy burger can leave a wrong impression on your part, and If you order a coffee, make sure the lid is on tight. Very important, don’t forget to be courteous with the patrons around you.

Say Thank You

Always bring money and offer to pay, even though you know they are going to pay. Say thank you, and follow up with a handwritten or email note for the lunch, dinner or coffee. Saying thank you is a polite gesture and brings value to your character.

In summary, any interview in any setting can be nerve wrecking. Have fun, be yourself and stay confident. To speak to one of our recruiters contact us at 904-940-5415 or visit our website.

Which do you prefer, offsite or onsite interviews?