Annual reviews are a common part of most jobs. Your employer will meet with you to reflect on your progress throughout the year. He or she will generally review your performance to determine how you’re doing—what you should continue and how you can improve. But aside from meeting your goals inside the office, how are you doing in your career from your own perspective?

Five important things to consider when evaluating your career

Are you on track? Mostly on track? Sidetracked? Here’s what you should consider to help you plan for the next 12 months of your working life:

  1. What went well this year, and what went not so well? Think about your successful projects or accomplishments. Also, consider things you may have attempted but weren’t successful at. You can learn from the things you did well—they can give you ideas for ways to shape your career. And as for the things you didn’t well,—you could use these as learning experiences as well—things you’d like to improve on.
  2. Do your actions help you move toward the career you envision? Yes, it’s good to stay a little open for when opportunities present themselves, but you should have at least a vague idea of where you’d like to go in your career. When you think about your current job—your roles, responsibilities, projects and plans—consider how well they align with your dreams and ambitions. You may find you’re moving in the right direction, or that you should shift a few things around.
  3. Are you reaching your goals at the right speed? How long will it take you to reach your career goals based on how quickly you’re moving along your timeline? To help you figure this out, speak with your career mentor (if you have one), or simply compare yourself to others in your field.
  4. Do your goals need to be revised? How have your experiences this year shaped your goals? Have you found you’re on task, or have you discovered a new branch of your field you’d like to explore? Perhaps you’re ready for a shift into a different line of work entirely. Let your job experiences shape the future you have planned for yourself.
  5. Are you happy? Last but not least, your passion for your career should be a consideration. Do you wake up ready to tackle the day? Or dread coming into the office? Do you continue to find your line of work rewarding? Do you need a change? Always take your own happiness into consideration when evaluating your career.

A little advice can help

Sometimes the input of an outside observer can make all the difference. If you feel you could benefit from some guidance or advice, you can seek out a career mentor or simply talk with a colleague. Considering another point of view can help when you feel indecisive.

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